Before hopping into the excitement of Boxyard’s Birthday, prepare your body and mind with this rejuvenating yoga flow. From sturdy down dog to sun salutation with the actual rising sun, our yoga instructor provides a balance of poses that welcomes you into the moment.
About the instructor: Lori Hernandez, founder of Franklin Street Yoga Center, has been a dedicated yoga student since 1997 and a full-time teacher since 2005. Committed to empowering others, she inspires softness and strength with her intuitive teaching. She is known for combining creative vinyasa sequences with healthy alignment, great music, and lots of heart.
You must bring your own yoga mat to participate in this event. This yoga session is for adults 16 years and older. Register to join.
Boxyard is turning 3! Click here for a full itinerary of Boxyard Birthday events.
Note: By participating in this event, you consent to the recording of your likeness, image, and/or voice and authorize Boxyard RTP to use photographs, video, and audio recordings containing your likeness, image, and/or voice in any medium for any purpose.
900 Park Offices Drive, RTP, NC 27709
900 Park Offices Drive, RTP, NC 27709